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Rebekah Orlando

Birdy Creative Business Story

With a passion for graphic design and a friendly push from a friend, Erika Jackson officially launched her company, Birdy Creative, on June 30, 2023. Birdy Creative is a marketing and advertising agency that provides a wide variety of services to small businesses. Some of these services include, but are not limited to, graphic design, marketing plans, social media marketing, videography, web design, branding and consultations.

After obtaining an undergraduate degree, Jackson sought numerous freelance opportunities in an effort to expand her resume and marketing skills.

“At one point I was working roughly 70-hour weeks with one full time job and two contract jobs,” she said.

Her thirst for knowledge and experience continued to grow, so she returned to school to receive an MBA with a concentration in marketing. In her final year, she knew she was ready to turn her dream into a reality.

“I had been working on business and marketing plans for an organization called SBDC - Lynchburg Region through contract work and realized I could be making this for myself,” she said.

Since Birdy Creative is an online business, Jackson is able to build relationships with clients and provide their business needs quickly.

Jackson said, “I truly enjoy helping other people.”

Birdy Creative has grown since it was first launched and now has two people on the team. Jackson was also able to form a partnership with a wedding planning business called Formular Events.

Although Jackson has worked diligently to ensure Birdy Creative is set up for success, the journey was not free of challenges.

“I had gone back and forth with what type of business I wanted to create: an LLC, partnership, or sole proprietorship. I also had to maintain and market my own business while being a full-time worker and student,” she said.

Additionally, Birdy Creative was not the only business with that name. After discovering this, Jackson was vigilant to make sure her company’s name and social media appearance were not confused with the other business based in Colorado.

Jackson hopes that one day Birdy Creative can be self-sustaining and helpful for her long-term personal goals.

“If and when I have children and they are interested in marketing, I will be able to give them a head start on building their resumes by hiring them on,” she said.

Birdy Creative was born out of passion, skills and a desire to serve others. With consistent hard work, Jackson continues to let the Lord use her gifts to bless other businesses.

Jackson said, “I care about my company because it is a showcase of all of the work that I have accomplished. I take pride in seeing the growth in my skills and abilities over the years.”

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